Activate your creativity and sovereignty with a project that means something to you.

Mission & Values

Our mission (with this project of our own) is to guide you on a journey of profound transformation, rooted in the values of grace, transfiguration, invisibility and communion.Together, we'll spark a movement of empowered individuals, united in community and fueled by harmony and magic.Interested, but would like to learn more? Click Book A Call below.

The Time is Now

Why Now?

Society is on the brink of a massive transfiguration. People are waking up and seeing how the current state of the world isn't empowering us, our families or our communities.The world needs creators and creatives to express their value in the world. The world needs you to answer the call, to bring value to your family and community.

Community Connection

Someone in your community is praying for you to share the project you feel called to create. By taking action on your project, you build a deep communion within those in your community.You provide value into the world and create synergy to collaborate with others. Community will play a key role in the elevation of humanity in the coming decade.

Answer The Call

Give yourself grace as you step into the unknown. It will be a great asset to you as you share your gifts with the world.Answering the call is you not only starting your project, but doing so in an artful way. Almost as if the work you are doing is invisible, because it fits within your beautiful life.Pick a project that you've put on the backburner and act upon it. Something that will spark your creativity, tap into your curiosities and support your journey towards sovereignty.

"Expressing oneself in the world and creativity are the same. It may not be possible to know who you are without somehow expressing it."

- Rick Rubin

Is This You?

This program is tailor-made for creatives, leaders and businesses seeking to break free from limitations and step into their greatness.Whether you're struggling to find clarity, feeling overwhelmed by self-doubt, or longing for deeper fulfillment in your work, this program is designed to help you thrive.

What It Is

Embark on a 17-week transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Sovereign Creators. Designed to nourish and uplift creatives, leaders, and businesses.

Human Design Integration

Integrating the principles of Human Design into our program, we provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique energetic blueprint.By understanding your design, you'll gain invaluable insights into your strengths, challenges, and untapped potentials, allowing you to navigate your transformation with clarity and purpose.

"Never forget: This very moment, we can change our lives. There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny."

- Steven Pressfield

About Us

Jason Sheffield

My enthusiasm will ignite and inspire you, creating a focus that leads to transformation. I’ll hold space to help you observe the past for insights, while speaking clarity to the moment, and invite the possibility of the future. My business experiences range from a decade working as a pastor in the evangelical church, to working at a successful start-up as a VP and most recently business and masculinity coaching.

Lane Belone

I'm honored to support all those who join this 17-week journey into the unknown. I bring discipline, structure and accountability from my experience as a Green Beret to the program. I balance it out with grace, compassion and harmony from my spiritual path.My intention is to bring to the table whatever you may need in any moment. Look forward to hearing from you.

Working With Jason & Lane

Ready to embark on your journey to sovereignty and transformation?

Fill out our application form and take the first step towards starting your project.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the program?The program runs from 4 June to 8 September 2024 (about 3 months).
Where are the in-person experiences?All 3 in-person experiences will be located in or around Colorado Springs, CO.
Are the dates for the in-person experiences already set?Tentative dates are 5-6 June, 17-18 July & 4-5 Sept. We will confirm (and adjust as needed) that all participants can attend all 3.
Is accommodation included for the in-person experiences?Yes. For the 2-days (each in-person experience) accommodation (and lunch & dinner) is provided.
If I don't live in Colorado, can I still join?Absolutely, you'll just need to cover your travel expenses.
If I'm not familiar with Human Design, is this right for me?This program is designed to introduce the Human Design and then be a supportive system for you as you take action.
Is a payment plan available?Yes, you can pay over the course of 3 months.

Creative Project Examples

  • Write and publish a short story

  • Create an EP music album

  • Create a series of paintings

  • Develop a collection of art for you to share with the community

Business Project Examples

  • Launch a new product or service

  • Upgrade the culture of your company

  • Develop yourself to better serve your company

  • Develop and launch an online course

Community Project Examples

  • Teach a course or series of workshops in your community

  • Develop a retreat center for your community

  • Create an empowering event for the community

  • Support an underprivileged population within the community

What You Get

3-Month+ Virtual Mastermind - coaching, accountability, feedback, connection & prompts ($2,500 value)3 x Transformational in-person experiences to deepen your learning and connection ($2,200 value)2 x 1-on-1 calls with Jason ($400 value)2 x 1-on-1 calls with Lane ($400 value)Integration of Human Design principles for deeper self-awareness and alignmentAccess to a secure group chat to connect with other creatorsVideo library of program material1:1 Support - Jason & Lane will be available throughout the entire program to support in actioning your projectProgram value: Life-changing transformationInvestment of $5,500

Immersive Gathering Experience x 3

Strategic Clarity & Leadership Mastery: Content sessions around self-leadership, conscious creation, creativity, sovereignty, leading a team and decision-making.Holistic Wellness Practices: Nature walks, breathwork, meditation practices; all in support of resetting your nervous system and connecting with yourself.Connect with a Community of Creatives and Creators: Join like-minded people in the community that are creating and building beautiful things that will empower each other.Soul Rejuvenation: Nourish your Soul as you take a break from the day to day and embrace a highly inspirational environment that will leave you feeling excited and ready for the next step of your project.Breakout Groups of Human Design: Connect with those who share the same profile and learn from each other. How to manage your energy, process of creation and navigating challenges.Healthy Meals Provided: Each day, lunch and dinner will be provided.Hot-Seat Sessions: Dive deep into a challenge you may have and get the entire group to help you navigate solutions.

Interested and have questions?

Click below to setup a Discovery Call to have a conversation.

© Start The Project. All rights reserved.

Application Submitted

Thank you for applying! We will contact you soon with next steps.